Traditionally, I avoid reading fiction during October and November, because when my brain is lost for words, it’s easy to end with a slight (or more obvious) copy of aspects if they are too familiar, too recently read. However, this …
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: October 2018
“A white lace of frost webs the sidewalk; a kaleidoscope of leaves. Hillsides are ablaze with flame-colored trees, fields lie fallow and dark, and cornstalks dry to the color of bone in the low golden sun. The sky promises rain …
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: September 2018
“Mist blankets the morning garden and the empty fields; a last rose blooms slowly over the arbor by the backyard gate. Paintbox leaves fall to the ground under galoshes and the wheels of slicker-yellow school buses. Sweaters come out of …
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: August 2018
“The summer air is hot and still, the afternoon hazy; crickets call relentlessly from among the brown grasses, and ears of corn are the same heavy, burnished gold as the late-day sun. Hawks circle in the blue-white sky overhead, and …
Writers Block versus Goals and Guilt
I’ve barely written any fiction this year, certainly compared with normal. I’ve sometimes opened my Work-In-Progress document, but found myself with nothing to write! However, I don’t put this down to writer’s block. In fact, I don’t believe in ‘the …
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: July 2018
“Faerie-folk gather in the woodland glades, and frolic beside moss-banked streams; the fires of summer burn green and gold, and everywhere there is high magick afoot!” – Michele Morgan July was probably the best month of 2018 so far. I …