
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: September 2018

“Mist blankets the morning garden and the empty fields; a last rose blooms slowly over the arbor by the backyard gate. Paintbox leaves fall to the ground under galoshes and the wheels of slicker-yellow school buses.  Sweaters come out of cedar chests, soup pots simmer, and wild geese make their mercurial journey southward across the pale autumn sky.”

– Michelle Morgan


September brought Autumn with it, with the sunshine and fresh air English Autumns bring. 

This month felt really long, and it was lovely to enjoy the weather and beautiful scenery brought by changing leaves and clear skies.

Reflections on the Journey

i. Read 12 books: 8/12 – I finished reading Revolutionary Productivity and read a book of Cat Haikus (birthday present) which was adorable with cute drawings (review to come), and am reading some writing books alongside the Chimp Paradox.

ii. Track my wordcount and aim for 100,000 words: 008,696/100,000 words – I wrote another 485 words this month, and am vigorously planning for #NaNoWriMo. As these are scribbled notes rather than actual story words (can’t start until Nov 1st!) those words don’t count -> but I am still writing 🙂

iii. Wellness Weekly: September was pretty good: I tried trampolining with a friend, worked out 3x a week, began walking my husband to work in his new placement, and continued to explore journalling for the mental health benefits.

Smoke and Ember

Snuggly kitties are snuggly. There’s very little to say about these. The cats turned 4 this September, and were excited for cat treat sticks in celebration.

Jumping the Wall…

  • I had a guest post published on Witchy Words about the Autumn Equinox.
  • I continued preparing for #NaNoWriMo and have been reading more.
  • Continued mentoring and tweaked some of my website. Hoping that by November it’ll be “done” for this ‘set of updates’
  • Went to Oxygen Free Jumping with a friend: we discovered we are not as fit as we thought we are!

The Path Ahead…

  • That short story is due in November, but because of #NaNoWriMo I HAVE to get this completed in October. Fingers Crossed!
  • Exercise is in a good routine: hoping to keep it up.
  • In October my husband and I are visiting a cat cafe, seeing family, and going to a music concert in London!

How is the year closing for you? Are you planning to try NaNoWriMo?