Writer Life & Lessons

The Autumn Feels

The weekend began with a gentle whisper.   All was calm.

That has been rare lately, I have to admit, but I took the space that was given.

This week, I sat outside my husband’s work waiting for him to come out from his overnight shift, so I could walk him home. As I type this, the sky is pure blue, autumn’s crisp air refreshing. The sun shines down. I have a few deadlines to meet this weekend.

Weekdays are often hectic, and it’s rare for me to wake feeling anything other than shattered at the moment. That’s not unusual, we all have times where the weather, events in our lives or just our own exhaustion leaves us tired.

Today I was so excited to be in this space, so I’m not wasting it.


November marks a writing challenge I need to prepare and plan a novel for. I have a short story deadline due. I’m still updating my website. The house is asking to be de-cluttered.

As for now, I’m sat soaking up the rays of warmth, listening to a podcast and knowing that if I took more time to refuel like this, my life would feel smoother.

But we all have things to get done, so I’m just grateful that today, I have the time and mental space to sit and let my creative, curious self shine on this bench.

The walk home will be full of chatter, then he’ll head to bed and me to my laptop with a mug of green tea.

But for now, I’m nurturing my inner fireJust for ten minutes.

Where could you craft a few moments to pause this week?

Those tiny actions really do add up to help us stay afloat amidst the busy-ness of our writing, our creativity… of lives.

Because we all need to refill our own wellEven you. <3

What project is zapping your energy at the moment, and how can you re-fuel?

Anyone else preparing for NaNoWriMo?

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