
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: October 2018

“A white lace of frost webs the sidewalk; a kaleidoscope of leaves. Hillsides are ablaze with flame-colored trees, fields lie fallow and dark, and cornstalks dry to the color of bone in the low golden sun. The sky promises rain tonight and winds rise to torture the clouds. Fog swirls down the darkened street, shrouding the candlelit grin of a glowing jack-o-lantern, and the veil between the land of the living and the land of the dead grows as thin and insubstantial as the mist.”

– Michelle Morgan


October has been full-on but so fun.

Cats, family, a music gig, travel & a year-long self-development-commitment.

So exciting <3 Feeling alive again, and LOVING it.


Reflections on the Journey

i. Read 12 books: 11/12 – I finished reading 3 books this month! Two short ones on writing and a self-help quotes book. Chimp Paradox. is still in progress, but since I’m applying the lessons to my life it is still a slower read than perhaps I might wish.

ii. Track my wordcount and aim for 100,000 words: 011,467/100,000 words – I passed 10,000 words for the year. What a weird space to be in October.

I mentioned before how my annual goals have shifted.

2014:    150,263.
2015:    104,912.
2016:      90,244.
2017:    100,002.

In October, I wrote 2,771 words of short story.  We’re ready for #NaNoWriMo. Let’s do this.

iii. Wellness Weekly: I’ve stopped noticing some of these things, but am feeling good and excited for November.

Smoke and Ember

With the colder weather, the kitties are spending more time indoors with us. It’s lovely <3 and they are adorable.

Jumping the Wall…

  • H and I visited a cat cafe that opened on October 1st. It was awesome; the kittens seemed very comfortable. <3
  • We went to a rock concert in London, which was pretty awesome.
  • Saw family and had a meal out.
  • I attended an Arts Award Facilitator Training day which was a ton of fun for this creative soul <3
  • I worked on a short story draft.
  • I began a year-long-course to fill my evenings with.

The Path Ahead…

  • It’s #NaNoWriMo. Everything else is on hold.

Are you trying NaNoWriMo? Let me know. 

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