Writing Process - Drafting

Preparing for #NaNoWriMo

This is my 9th year of attempting National Novel Writing Month. It’s the 10th of November, and last night’s aim was 15,000 words.

My total, as of midnight last night was 14,372. So I am not far off. I can generally write 1,000 words in about 45 minutes on average.


When I began writing in 2009, NaNoWriMo was my chance to focus in, to prioritise my writing above all else, to sift through forums and ideas.

In 2016, I went to my city’s official write-in meet-ups, testing the water of being ‘social’ and now I go for the connecting-with-other-writers aspect. We discuss a lot of strange things, and that’s what makes it awesome.

So week 1 is done, and things are going okay.

I’ve attended 2 write-ins: one for the kick-off on November 1st, and one on Thursday. this has resulted in a chai latte and two mint chocolate chip milkshakes. Because that’s how I roll.

Today’s goal is 16,667 words, and being a Saturday, it should be do-able.


How is your month going so far?

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