Level-Up! Essence of Green :: November 2018

“We begin in the heart of the darkness. Winter is full upon the Earth; snow veils the landscape, thin trees are brittle with ice, and stars shatter the black mirror of the sky.”  – Michelle Morgan   November was looonnnggg …

Preparing for #NaNoWriMo

This is my 9th year of attempting National Novel Writing Month. It’s the 10th of November, and last night’s aim was 15,000 words. My total, as of midnight last night was 14,372. So I am not far off. I can generally …

NaNoWriMo 2018 :: Final Tips for October

So, this week marks the beginning of our 50,000-words-in-30-days challenge. Are we ready? Who knows.  Here’s a quick checklist I’m going through this weekend… Food -> I have 3 packets of my motivational-food-of-choice: caramel digestive biscuits. I have dried fruit and …