During 2017, I’m aiming to read a minimum of 12 books. Although a ‘low’ aim, this ensures I read long books just as often as short ones! Having read only short, simple books for a couple of years, I’m trying to …
‘Take a minute, change a life.’ – 10th September 2017
Rather than talk about writer’s wellbeing, let’s talk about suicide. Firstly, I am always happy to talk about suicide. It is not a taboo, not an embarrassing topic and I am not afraid of using the word. Therefore, please consider …
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: August 2017
“The summer air is hot and still, the afternoon hazy; crickets call relentlessly from among the brown grasses, and ears of corn are the same heavy, burnished gold as the late-day sun. Hawks circle in the blue-white sky overhead, and …
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: July 2017
“Faerie-folk gather in the woodland glades, and frolic beside moss-banked streams; the fires of summer burn green and gold, and everywhere there is high magick afoot!” – Michele Morgan July was exhausting. I met my final deadline early, but not without …
Study Update
My post-graduate course is done. Over. Finished. Providing all goes smoothly… (fingers crossed!) This week has been exhausting, so no specific post for this week. I’ll probably reflect in the July-reflection post but for now, things are just very …
Essence of Green :: July
July marked the improvement of 2015. Drama still occurred and things were still stressful, but generally, it turned out to be a pretty good month. Fingers crossed the second half of this year will be better than the first. My new …