Book Reviews of 2015 :: Part 1

Last year I began posting book reviews on the website, and it not only helped me remember what I’d read, and helped authors in the process, but gave me some insight into the books I read and thus, what inspires …

Essence of Green :: May

We’re five months into the year, and things are changing all around us. Spring blossoms towards Summer, and the land is full of new life. New possibilities. Little seeds sown since April bloomed, and I kept silent about much of it. Reflections on the Journey May was tiring. …

self care mental health checklist wellbeing resilience

On Balancing Creative Pursuits

As a child, I spent the school holidays with my grandparents, where I grew up with a mixture of gardening, painting and rambling. But each holiday, we would visit a nature-y place, and take a creative class. Throughout the years, I learned to sew, cross-stitch, cook, …