Tomorrow, I’ll be heading up to Nine Worlds Geekfest at Heathrow, London.
I’ve posted about conventions before – blogging about what I wish I’d known for my first convention and five tips from my second convention. It’s been particularly interesting attending a different convention each year.
In 2013, I stayed at home and commuted in each day. This meant I didn’t pack a case and only had to carry swag for 30 minutes to the station and on the train.
In 2014, I travelled nearly 300 miles to York, and had a 40 minute walk from the station to my home.
For 2015, I’m driving. That means I don’t have to cut down on my swag, or fit everything into a tiny case. I also don’t need to worry about managing clothing for a long walk with a heavy case. Also, this year I’ve been talked into possibly dressing up. I’ll be sharing a room with Daphne: a writer I met at WFC13 (she’s on the left!).
Planning the Trip
I’ll be arriving Thursday evening, likely popping over to just grab my badge and see where things are and not a lot else. Across Friday and Saturday I’ll be soaking up knowledge and socialising. Sunday requires an early start home as it’s my mother’s birthday. But two days of convention tends to be enough for my inner-introvert, so it’s all good.
Some key sessions I intend to attend cover: writing memorable characters, female character tropes, bastards and clerics, modern myths, editing, and rebellions, apocalypse.
I tend to attend sessions which cover the same themes when I go to conventions, but I pick them because those are the things I feel I need to learn more about, and with different panellists you tend to get different information even if you’re an expert in a theme.