Story-Telling Through a Violin Concerto

My family on my mum’s side are a musical bunch. My grandmother was a violin teacher who helped set up a classical orchestra decades ago. As she passed away before I was born, my only ‘memories’ are of my mum …

How to Learn About Plot from Gaming

When I read a story, I am immersed within a different world, as a new person, exploring a problem I want to be solved. I read the author’s words, watching the character act and feeling conflicting emotions as they make …

Preparing for Nine Worlds

Tomorrow, I’ll be heading up to Nine Worlds Geekfest at Heathrow, London. I’ve posted about conventions before – blogging about what I  wish I’d known for my first convention and five tips from my second convention. It’s been particularly interesting attending a different convention …

Word of the Year :: Six Months In

At the beginning of the year, I made a commitment to pay attention to my behaviours and thoughts. I picked a ‘word of the year‘ – a guiding principle and conscious focus for my choices. Since leaving university, I’ve lost my weekly …