“Winter fights valiantly to hold the land. The earth and the sky are grey, leaden, and heavy with the cold. But here and there, scattered like jewels in the sodden grass, the first slender tips of daffodils start up toward the growing Sun. Something in us stirs …
Book Reviews of 2020 :: Part III
Quarter Four has arrived. 2020 is close to over. My first two reviews can be found here (part 1) and here (part 2). 8 down, 4 to go for my goal of 12… Let’s see how we did. ~ November …
My Own Rooted Reinvention
Well. The last few years have been… interesting. I haven’t been consistent here since Jan 2019. I haven’t been a WRITER (in my own eyes) since before then. This is clear from my weekly posts dropping down to 18 in …
My 11th NaNoWriMo
So… I told myself I wouldn’t do NaNoWriMo this year… And then 9pm of October 31st happened. I thought about a novel I began in 2013 and have not touched since May 2013… Well, it’s the second week of November, …
Book Reviews of 2020 :: Part II
Quarter Two of 2020 was, at least in my reading list, looking a tiny bit more hopeful. Then the world happened, and turns out Quarters 2 and 3 need to be merged. If you missed the first 4 books (in …
The Limit of Creativity
I spoke in my last post about how I haven’t written fiction since April. I also began scrap-booking in that first week of April: in fact, on April 6th. My last day of writing. Equally, my own version of a …