
MY WORD FOR 2018 :: Trust

I’ve been approaching 2018 with a great deal of apprehension. I’ve spoken before about my use of the word for a year, and how I’ve had mixed results.

After the past couple of years and the large-scale changes, I can’t say I’m expecting too much for 2018. I’ve almost made no plans, in fact. Even this post is coming out part-way through January, because I’ve been withdrawn this month, taking stock, creating space for things to appear, yet not quite stepping out to find anything new.

In mid-December, I was considering the pros and cons of choosing a theme word again. But one word kept flitting through my mind:


I didn’t realise it, at least not consciously at first, how isolated I’ve become. Since 2015 when my mother was diagnosed with cancer, it feels like my life has been a series of cartwheels, through changing jobs, a third degree, buying a house, having two stories published (and however many rejected), getting personalised feedback from an agent on a manuscript, my own mental health struggles, physical health, raising two kitties… I ended 2017 in a state of ‘protective isolation’. Which, long-term, does more harm than good.

But where connection after so much isolation felt like a scary, I began thinking about TRUST. Trusting the process, the universe, my own capabilities and others around me.

Then, in the final week of December, I re-read my copy of Danielle La Porte‘s Desire Map.

And this paragraph practically leapt off the digital page at me:

“I trust my next breath will keep coming.
I trust the sun will rise tomorrow.
I trust Sparky will be wagging his tail when I walk in the door. I trust that the snow will melt.
Trust now.

Trust in the Now.” (p130, The Desire Map, Danielle LaPorte [Affiliate Link] )

I wanted to combine the two: to Trust in Connection. To Trust Connections.


In reality, both will foster each other. But I work with the Cognitive-Behavioural model, which gave me a slightly different way to keep both.

My behaviours this year should be CONNECTIVE. And my thoughts (or cognitions) will be encouraged to repeat the mantra to TRUST.

What’s your guiding theme for 2018? How did you find deciding upon it?

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