Last week I sent over my current (finished last year) draft of The Felled Gods to a beta reader. I’d forgotten just how many passes I’ve actually taken, and was quite relieved to notice that at least the first chapter isn’t terrible. …

Last week I sent over my current (finished last year) draft of The Felled Gods to a beta reader. I’d forgotten just how many passes I’ve actually taken, and was quite relieved to notice that at least the first chapter isn’t terrible. …
I’ve been approaching 2018 with a great deal of apprehension. I’ve spoken before about my use of the word for a year, and how I’ve had mixed results. After the past couple of years and the large-scale changes, I can’t say …
I spoke last week about how I’ve fallen into a negativity trap and am trying to be kind. I’ve been deliberately making choices to have a positive impact on the world – trying to speak kindly, and supporting charities and friends. But that’s only …
Although I’ve been blogging since 2006 (in one form or other), I often feel that I have very little to write about. Considering that I’ve been reading books and blogs about writing, attended panels at writing conferences, watched interviews/talks/lessons online, and writing novels since …
Once upon a time, humans were tribe beings. And within the culture of tribes, storytellers were key. Stories allowed elders to teach the young. Stories allowed tribes to communicate; to share knowledge and learning, to explore the differences in their …
Friday at the convention was full of interesting panels. “Style or Substance in Fiction” was at Midday. Panellists were: Pat Cadigan, Jack Dann, Ellen Kushner, Ian R. MacLeod, Geoff Ryman and Lisa Tuttle. My Notes – Being precise is a …