I’m in the final stage of a major sekrit *secret* project (which I hope to share soon), and thus I’m in survival-mode writing wise. Currently, that means writing my daily minimum of 429 words (3,000 a week) and, if I …
March Update: Goals
At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, and submit my manuscript to someone by July 1st. March is coming to an end, and …
February Update: Goals
At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, and submit my manuscript to someone by July 1st. February is over, and it’s time …

Celebrating the End of a Stage
On Friday night, I finished the read through of Planes Shifter. About two weeks earlier than I’d expected to. This was the first time I’d read it from start to finish, without letting myself tweak anything. The last time I …

January Update: Goals
At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out Resilience” and “submit my manuscript to someone by July 1st.” So, January is over, and it’s …
Knowing the Landscape
Last week, I sat on my bed writing some completely new scenes to Resilience. These are essentially first drafts, and yet I sat there with two reference books, google and twitter open. Despite the fact that I tend to whiz …