Writer Life & Lessons

February Update: Goals

chichester 010At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, and submit my manuscript to someone by July 1st.

February is over, and it’s time to see how the month went.

i. The Daily Word Count

I wrote nothing until the 17th February, as I was editing Planes Shifter on paper. Then I settled into the edit and the wordcount has shifted each day. One day I wrote -86 words, but that’s still me writing, and then some cutting.

Thus, across 11 days, I wrote 6,382 words. That’s half what I wrote last month; but last month I was writing rather than editing; which I always find easier.

Planes Shifter:      From 82403   To 86623

Novella:                    From 4208      To 4445

ii. Write Once a Week

I failed this one in February; having had 16 days without typing into a project file. Having said that, I did write notes out and new lines by hand on my manuscript. As I type those notes up; they will get counted.

As part of this goal, I’m looking at how many days I can write a minimum of 429 words in a row. This month, I made a “chain” of 4 days.

iii. Work on Resilience

I didn’t touch this goal during February; focusing instead on editing Planes Shifter and typing up snippets of my novella when inspiration hit. Not sure how much I’ll get done in March, but we’ll see.

iv. Work Towards Submission in July

I’ve been typing up changes and addressing key plot points where clarification is needed in Planes Shifter, and feel on track to be ready by July.

v. Read 24 Books

Not strictly a writing goal, but with my annual attempt to rekindle my label of “avid-reader” I’m trying to set an achievable goal of one book a fortnight.

I read four books this month, including Planes Shifter.

I completed one book that I started in December, and then began and finished two new books. I’ve struggled to get into reading in the last year or so, and to be able to read two of those books within 48 hours of starting them gave me some hope

This Month’s Score:    4/2 

This Year’s Score:       5/4


In Other News

* I went with my friend and beta reader to Chichester for a nice weekend and to discuss the edits of Planes Shifter. We even took tourist photos by the cathedral and had afternoon tea.

* Things are back on track with my other half due to a a back-up plan succeeding. Hopefully March will be a better month for focusing on the book without those stressors.

* I’ve been talking to a writer from WFC13 over Skype each week; beta reading her novel and chatting about the process.

* I had a great opportunity from my volunteering role this month, which could lead to some paid work in a different field.

* My other half and I took time off work to visit LaserZone and shoot six-year-olds. He beat me in both games.

* I attended a talk on death in different cultures by a Coroner who made the topic light and friendly.

How has your month been?

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