As a fantasy writer, I keep an eye on other authors work, and try to get involved where I can. And this week, I’m talking about Julie Hutching‘s latest book! I beta read the first chapter or so a few months …
Book Reviews :: 2017 :: Part I
During 2017, I’m aiming to read a minimum of 12 books. Although a ‘low’ aim, this ensures I read long books just as often as short ones! Having read only short, simple books for a couple of years, I’m trying to …
Mirror Of Ashes :: A Review
It’s that time of year again — time to talk about Ellie Di Julio‘s Forgotten Relics series. I’ve been blessed to be one of Ellie’s beta-readers for each of these books, and I thoroughly recommend them. Considering how much I loved …
Book Reviews of 2015 :: Part 1
Last year I began posting book reviews on the website, and it not only helped me remember what I’d read, and helped authors in the process, but gave me some insight into the books I read and thus, what inspires …
Essence of Green :: April
*drip drip drop little April showers, beating a tune as you fall all around* Reflections on the Journey May is full of health-related items, and some pretty big changes. I’ll check in when I’m able to tell you more. …
Weekend WIP #11
In the last fortnight: 1) I completed the edit of my merged story. I’ve sent it to a good friend who has never read the previous iterations; thus will be able to objectively tell me if it works. 2) We …