Day-to-Day Writer Life & Lessons

Weekend WIP #11

JarsAndLabelsIn the last fortnight:

1) I completed the edit of my merged story. I’ve sent it to a good friend who has never read the previous iterations; thus will be able to objectively tell me if it works.

2) We saw the finale of Musketeers, series 2. It’s been a good run, and I’ll definitely take a look at series 3.

3) I completed a small DIY project which has been lying around for a while: We wanted some matching pots of tea/coffee/sugar but specifically wanted two sugar pots and three tea pots because drink herbal/fruit tea. Voila; we have six jars by the kettle, all matching and yet clearly marked.

4) I’ve returned to the novel I began last Spring — which my other half refers to “the crow-smash novel” because it has a crow in the opening scene. I’m re-reading it currently to get a feel for where I got to, and intend to complete a full draft in the next two months or so.

5) The short story is still in progress, and the article is being worked on today.

6) I have another small project in the wings. It’s not yet ready, and it’s not a novel, but I want to see if it grows wings, and then, if it will fly, before I share it. Very excited for the possibility though.

7) The health things I commented on are moving still — hospital appointments are all set, I’m taking time of work for both people in the next three weeks, and I’d just appreciate some positive things being sent my way from April 30 – May 15, if you’re into that sort of thing.