
Essence of Green :: April

venue 040


*drip drip drop little April showers, beating a tune as you fall all around*


Reflections on the Journey

May is full of health-related items, and some pretty big changes. I’ll check in when I’m able to tell you more.

i. Measuring my Words

This month I wrote 4,575 words, which I’m not very happy with. I’m not really writing much at the moment, and that makes me sad. Working on improving this for May.

ii. Work Towards Submission by May 1st

Failed. Welcome to May, and to the still-with-a-beta-reader project I had planned to submit. However, that’s because it isn’t ready. I don’t want to burn a bridge with an agent just because I set myself a deadline, if the novel’s not good enough. I’m not really sure where to go from here, but will let you know when I have a deadline back for this goal.

iii. Read 24 Books 

6 / 8 completed. I caught up a little, although that still puts me two books behind. I have another non-fiction book to read for work, and I’m near the end of the first Codex Alera book, so finger’s crossed I’ll be finishing those in May.

iv. Two Completed Novel-length Stories (Four-Month Cycle)

At the end of 4 months, Planes Shifter is with a beta reader, and I’m focusing on a short story alongside a gentle drafting of TFG. Taking it easy until health things settle. I don’t expect a new completed project until September.


Closing the Gate…

This Month:

* I got to visit our hand-fasting venue for the first time. It’s pretty cool.

* I did various other things relating to the hand-fasting. Yay for progress.

* I began walking three times a week, and got back into drawing in the evenings.

* Application for study actually shifted to a different things as there weren’t places. Should find out in May how this goes.

* I submitted a non-fiction article.

* I began groundwork for a non-novel project, and began a short story.


The Opening Door…

Next Month:

* My mum is visiting. Fingers crossed the weather remains good for tennis!

* I’ll find out if the meeting in April has led to anything.

* I aim to continue drawing and walking.

* There’s an election going on, so I’ll vote.

How was your month?

What wilderness are you wandering into next month?

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