As a child, I spent the school holidays with my grandparents, where I grew up with a mixture of gardening, painting and rambling. But each holiday, we would visit a nature-y place, and take a creative class. Throughout the years, I learned to sew, cross-stitch, cook, …
Managing Anxieties :: A Health Update
Today my mother goes into hospital, and on Thursday, she’ll have a 10-hour operation. She’ll be in hospital 3-4 weeks. I am so so grateful for the NHS. It’s a pretty big deal, and it’s made the past four months emotionally draining. …
Dissecting Stories: Plot Twists
This weekend my partner introduced me to the Anime series “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.” Across three days, we watched the 64 episodes with me asking extra questions on occasion to ensure I’d understood the concepts and back-story correctly. The series is technically a sequel …
Essence of Green :: April
*drip drip drop little April showers, beating a tune as you fall all around* Reflections on the Journey May is full of health-related items, and some pretty big changes. I’ll check in when I’m able to tell you more. …
Weekend WIP #11
In the last fortnight: 1) I completed the edit of my merged story. I’ve sent it to a good friend who has never read the previous iterations; thus will be able to objectively tell me if it works. 2) We …
Spring: Time for Wishful Beginnings
This week the temperature in our flat hit 25 degrees without any artificial heating. It’s only rained once this week. The sun has been out 4 of the last 7 days. Spring has arrived. And with spring’s arrival I get …