
Birthday Celebrations

It was my birthday yesterday and that basically left me without a post for this weekend. So I hope you’ll settle for a mini-update and normal service shall resume next Saturday: I’ve written at least my daily aim of 269 words …

Books & Writers

FLAG :: BFS Nomination Giveaway!

For those who follow the British Fantasy Awards, you may know that one short-listed nomination for the Best Anthology is Kristell Ink’s Fight Like A Girl, edited by Joanne Hall and Roz Clarke. If you don’t know, this is a …


Level-Up! Essence of Green :: July 2017

“Faerie-folk gather in the woodland glades, and frolic beside moss-banked streams; the fires of summer burn green and gold, and everywhere there is high magick afoot!” – Michele Morgan July was exhausting. I met my final deadline early, but not without …