*drip drip drop little April showers, beating a tune as you fall all around* Reflections on the Journey May is full of health-related items, and some pretty big changes. I’ll check in when I’m able to tell you more. …

*drip drip drop little April showers, beating a tune as you fall all around* Reflections on the Journey May is full of health-related items, and some pretty big changes. I’ll check in when I’m able to tell you more. …
In the last fortnight: 1) I completed the edit of my merged story. I’ve sent it to a good friend who has never read the previous iterations; thus will be able to objectively tell me if it works. 2) We …
This week the temperature in our flat hit 25 degrees without any artificial heating. It’s only rained once this week. The sun has been out 4 of the last 7 days. Spring has arrived. And with spring’s arrival I get …
Throughout my blogging experience (since 2006) I’ve toyed with a weekly or fortnightly “updates” post. Partly to share what I’m doing — to give a “behind-the-scenes” aspect — but also to get feedback, to commiserate with others and to hold me …
Having just eaten 80% 85% of a bag of chocolate coins, I figured I could be doing something useful tonight. Hello. *waves* Of course it’s the kind of night which should have a whiskey in one hand and a blazing fire …
March brought a few answers, and a few more questions. But the wheel turns and things are beginning to stabilise. The photo? It’s of the eclipse at the peak time. Gotta love the British weather… Reflections on the Journey The health …