Writer Life & Lessons

WorldFantasyCon: A Brief Update

wfc3 049It’s Monday afternoon, and I’m sat in my tip of a room enjoying a green tea and some pretty music.

The last few days have been… exhilarating, inspiring, shattering and hilarious. Thursday I’ll be posting my full photo diary of events, and then in the next week or two, I hope to summarise what I actually learned from and thought of the panels.

For now though, here’s a brief run-down.


DSCN9428Wednesday things went very wrong all day, but then it was 8pm and I was carrying three bags of free books home. Win.

Thursday I met Garth Nix (!!!!), the lovely ladies from Tor UK and attended my first panel.

Friday I heard some new ideas about the non-importance of covers and how style isn’t always too much of a big deal. I saw Terry Pratchett and heard a snippet of his book.  The day ended with two author parties.

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Saturday I was blown away by Patrick Rothfuss to the point where I said “sod it” to my limits on book buying and grabbed The Name of the Wind. Having now read the first paragraph, I’m already impressed. Again, the day ended with Pizza and then parties.

Sunday was meant to be a quiet wind-down day. Two panels, 3 hours at the bar, a meal in a Thai restaurant later, and we trundled back for the 22:05 train home in torrential rain.


wfcfinal 01844 Hours
9 panels
1 interview
1 reading
1 meet-the-publisher
17 signatures from authors (not in books)
31 books
26 of them free
8 of them signed (plus one of my own books signed)
7 members of chronicles forum met


Special thanks go to Adam Dalton, Sammy Smith, Joanne Hall, Snorri Kristjansson, and Sorcha O’Dowd for making this weekend such an amazing convention.

For more details and photos of my weekend, come back on Thursday!

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