Last October, I attended the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton. As a con newbie, I tried to look up “what to know before hand” and “how cons work” so I might have a vague idea of what to expect. Of …

Last October, I attended the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton. As a con newbie, I tried to look up “what to know before hand” and “how cons work” so I might have a vague idea of what to expect. Of …
This was the final panel I attended at the convention. As someone who has actually started eight novels, including a sequel in a planned trilogy, I thought it would be really interesting to find out how others found writing after …
Sunday – the final day of WFC. The first panel of the day was “By Any Other Name: What Makes an Author Change Their Byline?” which was confusing as I’d never heard the word “byline” before. Thankfully, the blurb made …
Following such an awesome panel on world-building, the agents panel was almost on par. Panellists were: Joshua Bilmes, Meg Davis, Ian Drury, Barry Goldblatt, John Jarrold, Juliet Mushens. My Notes Again, I wrote a lot of notes on this panel, …
Saturday began much better than Friday had. Having attended five hour-long slots on Friday, with a mixture of enjoyment, uncertainty and “this isn’t really for me”, I was pleasantly surprised by Saturday morning. It began with The Best of All Possible …
Friday continued at the convention with “Broads with Swords” at 4pm. I arrived a few minutes later (as did about 25% of the room) as Terry Pratchett in Conversation ran over, and it was mostly a big list of female …