Writer Life & Lessons


I really enjoy reading other people’s round-ups of their months.  Both Katie and Ellie do this on a regular basis, and I’d like to get into the habit of a monthly update again.

So here I am.

Novel In A Day

October has been a fascinating month. My favourite season was made more special by the lateness of our summer. October brings my writing motivations to life as it brings autumn into full bloom, and it’s been a good month for blossoms.

A few highlights of my month:

  • I now own my engagement ring. Considering he proposed in July, this was quite an awesome thing.
  • I began NaNoWriMo early. In October, across seven days, I’ve written around 13,000 words.
  • I attended a Novel in a Day workshop with Victoria Connelly (photo above).
  • I missed this month’s writing group due to a two-day-long migraine.
  • I seriously sat down to consider self-publishing as a route I could possibly take.
  • I spoke to a self-published author to discuss the options in a realistic sense.
  • I spent a few days with my sister-in-writing up in Cambridge for my own “writing retreat”.
  • I went to platform 9 and 3/4s. Just because.
  • Today, I’m continuing to attend the World Fantasy Convention.

Writer Meet Rowling

And because it’s nearly NaNoWriMo, some places around the web that I find useful:
* NaNoWriMo forums
The Care and Feeding of the Novelist by Dianne Sylvan.
An Honest Guide to Being a Traditionally Published Writer
How J. K. Rowling did things. An intriguing look at her books as story-engineering examples.

     How has your October been?

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