The stress has set in. In two weeks, I’ll be on the train up to York for FantasyCon. In three weeks, I’ll be on the train up to London for my Mental Health job. In three weeks and one day; after …

On Not Being Ready (to Fix my Broken Book)
I began writing Planes Shifter (originally named Wings of Skell) in January of 2012.
It's now August 2014, and as of today, I think I'm officially putting it in the drawer.
July Update: Goals
It’s the month of harvest. I have no idea when that happened. Only yesterday someone mentioned it was 6 months until Yule… August has always been a fairly nice month for me — it’s my birthday month, and was always a …
A Target to Aim For: Importance of Goal-Setting
At the end of last year, I signed up to do the WriteChain challenge. The idea was to build up a “chain” of links — daily challenges — to get used to a consistent practise. In April, my winning streak …

June Update: Goals
Six months passed. June was so busy that July seemed to begin with a whimper. At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, …
A Collection of Collisions: A Photo Journal
This week things are coming to meet – of the Sekrit Projects and fun days out — the pending decisions, applications, meetings and deadlines are all joining in the next two-to-three weeks, and the panic’s setting in. I’m behind on …