
To-Do Lists and Countdowns

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The stress has set in. 

In two weeks, I’ll be on the train up to York for FantasyCon.
In three weeks, I’ll be on the train up to London for my Mental Health job.
In three weeks and one day; after a full day at day job, I’ll be moving house.

This is the time when having three jobs (even though two are casual hours) really hits home. And I don’t have any brain space left for the blog.

I have four different columns of post-it notes: Writing (blog, novels), FantasyCon (packing, transport, plans), Day-job and Mental Health Job (rehearsing lines & creating resources). At this point, each list has around ten items on it.

Today, alongside day-job and a group, I’m packing the car — hoping to get my chairbed and bookcase in the car to take home tomorrow. Fingers crossed everything fits.

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