“The summer air is hot and still, the afternoon hazy; crickets call relentlessly from among the brown grasses, and ears of corn are the same heavy, burnished gold as the late-day sun. Hawks circle in the blue-white sky overhead, and …

“The summer air is hot and still, the afternoon hazy; crickets call relentlessly from among the brown grasses, and ears of corn are the same heavy, burnished gold as the late-day sun. Hawks circle in the blue-white sky overhead, and …
Back in September 2013, I wrote this post about my “top 10 writing tools” and I recently went to link to it in answer to a question about things to go in a NaNoWriMo survival kit…. and realised how things …
“Anyone can love a thing ‘because’. That’s as easy as putting a penny in your pocket. But to love something ‘despite’: to know the flaws and love them too. That is rare and pure and perfect.” – Patrick Rothfuss February was interesting. We …
“Winter fights valiantly to hold the land. The earth and the sky are grey, leaden, and heavy with the cold. But here and there, scattered like jewels in the sodden grass, the first slender tips of daffodils start up toward the growing Sun. Something in us stirs …
Farewell, 2020. Part of me want’s to leave that there and just jump to 2021, but 2020 was a big year for my personal development – mostly in the last 3 months of the year, but it all counts. Also, …
I’ve hesitated to write and post this, because 2019 was not a great writing year. I wrote 51,173 words, which is the lowest for nearly a decade. This may also explain, at least in some part, why I’ve gone from …