The first panel I attended at World Fantasy Convention 2013 was “Writing Historical Fantasy” at 3pm on Thursday. Panellists were: Aidan Harte, Helen Marshall, Sophia McDougall, Tim Powers, Mark Charan Newton & Kari Sperring. My Notes Tim Powers said “I …
WFC13 – A Round-Up
Because I’m away this weekend, and I’m still writing up all of my experiences from WFC, but I want to share more about the convention, I figured a little round-up might be useful. I spent a lot of time trying …
The World Fantasy Convention 2013 – Diary Entries
This year I attended my first writing convention: World Fantasy Con 2013. As a “newbie” attendee, I did feel the communications prior to the event were unclear and not always friendly. However, over the five days, I experienced readings, talks …
WorldFantasyCon: A Brief Update
It’s Monday afternoon, and I’m sat in my tip of a room enjoying a green tea and some pretty music. The last few days have been… exhilarating, inspiring, shattering and hilarious. Thursday I’ll be posting my full photo diary of …
I really enjoy reading other people’s round-ups of their months. Both Katie and Ellie do this on a regular basis, and I’d like to get into the habit of a monthly update again. So here I am. October has been …
Halloween at WFC
Happy Halloween, Samhain and Celtic New Year to those who celebrate those events! I’m at the World Fantasy Convention today, wearing the dress pictured. I will either be at the events timetabled here or in the bar, so if you want to …