October was a busy month. I really wasn’t ready for what came through the door, which is why posts began to fade away. This weekend, I pretty much unplugged, forgetting to schedule this post before. November has arrived, and that …
2014 Update: The Third Quarter
See the updates on the first and second quarters for previous data. The Third Quarter in Statistics: Words Written: ~23,500 Overall Words Written: ~118,950 Pieces of WIP: …
September Update
September settled around us and now, October beckons. The month of movement has passed. At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, and …
FantasyCon, York, 2014
Today marks the beginning of my FantasyCon14 experience. I spent last night compiling food, checking lists and panicking over getting to the train station. As of this morning, I have oats, crackers, homemade apple crisps + cucumber slices to take. I’m …

August Update
This weekend, I moved half of my flat into the new place, got OH settled (he starts his new job Wednesday, mine doesn’t switch for 12 more days) and we spent our first night there. Thus, I ended August with …

Recognising Knowledge
Although I’ve been blogging since 2006 (in one form or other), I often feel that I have very little to write about. Considering that I’ve been reading books and blogs about writing, attended panels at writing conferences, watched interviews/talks/lessons online, and writing novels since …