Writer Life & Lessons

2014 Update: The Third Quarter

See the updates on the first and second quarters for previous data.

The Third Quarter in Statistics:

Words Written:                       ~23,500

Overall Words Written:       ~118,950

Pieces of WIP:                           Short 1, Short 2, Planes Shifter, Resilience, Kindling, TFG.

Days written:                             82/92

Days I Wrote the Most:         Sundays, with equal number of Saturdays and Mondays added in.


Nine Months In

In the first quarter, I discovered how tricky it was to manage a daily writing habit. Somehow, in the second quarter, I surpassed my goal by miles, writing every day for three months, and beating the 37.5k aim by over 30,000 words.

Then, this quarter, things slumped again. Some of this is down to moving house, and some due to the projects I’m working on. Still, this was a slight disappointment.

With only three months left to meet my goals, and a new project (I begin my NaNoWriMo project early where possible) in progress; I’m aiming for 31k in these final months to reach my yearly wordcount goal. In fact, with 70k still to write on that project, and the boost of National Novel Writing Month, I may even reach for my secondary goal; requiring 81k by December 31st. But we’ll have to see how things pan out.


Pretty Graphs


First Quarter:   27,859 / 37,500 words


Second Quarter:   67,849 / 37,500 words


Third Quarter:   23,503 / 37,500 words

So this month I didn’t write enough; yet I’m still on track to complete my minimum year’s wordcount of 150,000

– 119,211/112,500 –


Tracking Spreadsheets

I blogged back in April about having two spreadsheets. One that makes pretty graphs and helps me compare my writing to a daily and monthly goal, and a second which helps me track how many words I wrote specifically on each project. I’ll save the final data from these for the final update post.

So here’s to the last quarter; where hopefully I’ll make up my goals, complete this draft and learn some more as I go.

Goal for Quarter 4:  37,500

Goal to End of Year: 150,000

Words Remaining: 30,789

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