
Reflecting on my Word for 2017 :: Create

I spoke back in January about setting a ‘theme’ for the year, and for 2017, I picked ‘create.’

As a reminder: “The word isn’t an extra goal or a resolution as such, it’s more a way to summarise and remind myself of all of my goals in one word or phrase.”


I didn’t really reflect on this goal throughout the year, like I often have in the past, yet when looking back now, I definitely stayed connected to my inner sense of ‘creativity.’

This year, I’m pondering how useful a word would be in guiding my decisions.

2017 was a long, exhausting year. It pushed me beyond my known capabilities, and although I’m grateful for the lessons, and glad to be coming out the other side, I’m exhausted. I don’t feel I have much creativity left!

I did create more art with watercolours this year, and I until November 29th, wrote fiction most days. I had to do a lot of creative problem-solving for life stressors, and again, I learned a lot.

In short, I’m torn.

I’ve learned a lot about the wilderness this year, and the benefits of pushing myself. I don’t want to “move backwards” on the progress of 2016 and 2017, but equally, no one can run on empty forever.

So I’m debating a word focused on recovery, on recuperation.


It’s important to reflect on the themes, because no matter my word, I’ve always had the same set of goals for any year:

Maintaining a clean, spacious-feeling home. Sharing stories in some form. Being physically and mentally well. Having some sense of ‘progress’, as the main character of my own story.

So I’m sitting with the idea for now. I still have 2 weeks to decide.

Have you set a ‘theme word’ for 2018? What spurred that decision for you?

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