
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: June 2018

“Nights are warm, and stars shimmer in the sky like a blacktop road in the noonday sun. Roses spill over garden gates, heavy with bees and perfume; field and forest are lush and teeming with life.”
– Michele Morgan


Six months gone. This time last year, I had 23,000 words written. This year, I’m ending June with 6,707 words. It’s not how I planned the year to go, but that’s part of the reason I track these things each month: to help me make realistic goals.

We’re officially in a ‘heat-wave’ now, and being British with no A/C, we’re dying slightly.


Reflections on the Journey

i. Read 12 books: 4/12 – Again, a tad behind, but am still slowly progressing on the books currently in progress. I’m over 80% through one, and about 50% through another.

ii. Track my wordcount and aim for 100,000 words: 06,707/100,000 words – I’m still planning edits from that alpha feedback last month, but hope to get into the writing again for July.

iii. Wellness Weekly: For June, I turned my attention to ‘journalling’ as a new wellbeing practise. I’m still meditating a couple of times a week, but wellbeing routines often work best in specific circumstances and I’m still trying to find what works for right now. 🙂 Continuing this journalling and meditation practise throughout July, hopefully.


Smoke and Ember

Smoke had his first ever not-returning-overnight experience, and although we left the cat flap open all night, he was sulking around the back garden at 6am, feeling a bit sorry for himself. With the heatwave, they are definitely eating and moving less, but seem to be coping so far, which is always a positive.

Our fun litter-tray-rug issues worked for about 2.5 weeks, maybe 3 weeks… then they didn’t anymore. *sigh*

Ember has been our faithful night-time alarm, as if she needs to tell us how hot it is. I think she likes our bedroom fan, and wnats us to know how much she appreciates it. At 3am, 4.30am and 5:45am. On the dot.

Jumping the Wall…

  • I continued my new dayjob. Definitely a steep learning curve but also a  lot of time to explore and ‘apply’ those lessons.
  • We visited a local Hobbit-themed pub and walked over 5 miles overall to complete a Fellowship. H went there as a student but I’d never been.
  • I made some notes of TFG.
  • I’m still working out weekly, and have kept my sugar intake reduced. #Win

The Path Ahead…

  • Plans for July are mostly to get back to novel-writing, keep working out and journalling/meditating, and rest where it’s too hot.

We’re over half-way through the year. What are your (possibly revised) goals for December 31st?