
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: Jan-Feb 2019

“Winter fights valiantly to hold the land. The earth and the sky are grey, leaden, and heavy with the cold. But here and there, scattered like jewels in the sodden grass, the first slender tips of daffodils start up toward the growing Sun. Something in us stirs as well, as life pulses unseen beneath the still-slumbering ground.”

– Michelle Morgan


It’s been a very busy couple of months, so I’m merging my summary.

Reflections on the Journey

i. Read 12 books: 0/12 – I haven’t completed any books so far this year. I’m working out how best to change this.

ii. Edit The Felled Gods: I made a few steps in the planning and early stages, but want to pick up the pace. I wrote about my plans here.

iii. Record and edit videos for my Youtube channelI’ve done this every week minus one, so feel on track with this, although am not sure how to move forward. I haven’t been 100% well the past 2 weeks, so haven’t even faced the camera or my editing software, but am now feeling better.

iv. Level-up my Wellness Routines: I’ve exercised at least twice, if not 3 times a week, although only meditated 3x in February. Something to work on, yet I’m happy with the attempts so far since I wasn’t 100% well.

v. Connection Evolution: So far, so good. At least 1 day a month with my husband, and one social event per month. We’ve had a meal out with friends, I visited a friend for chocolate and tea, we had a meal out one lunchtime, and we saw a movie for our wedding anniversary.


Smoke and Ember

The cats are healthy: we took them to the vets for a dental clean following their annual check-up and vaccinations, and they did not like this week of starvation + vet twice… But have forgiven us now!

Smoke is sat beside me as I type this, so all is currently well.

Jumping the Wall…

  • In January, we went to the Cat Cafe, attended a Blacksmithing course, and we ordered a chest freezer for the garage.
  • We celebrated 12 years together and 3 years married with IKEA, a ridiculous amount of Italian food, wine and How To Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World.
  • We attended a group meal with H’s work crew, and saw family.
  • I completed the Pixar in a Box online course.
  • We took the cats for their annual check-up, vaccinations & then took them back for a teeth scaling to ensure they stay healthy.
  • I had a few new coaching clients, who are awesome.


It’s March: how is 2019 shaping up for you so far?

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