Books & Writers

Book Reviews :: 2017 :: Part II

During 2017, I aimed to read a minimum of 12 books. Although a ‘low’ aim, this ensures I read long books just as often as short ones! Having read only short, simple books for a couple of years, I’m trying to get back to reading prose which will help me expand as a writer, and allow me to explore the worlds people recommend to me.

This was designed to be part two of three, following on from previous years, but in reality, reading fell to the bottom of my list for this year…

But, I did complete two books at the end of the year, and they were both excellent; so here they are.


September :: BETA READ :: The Wind Between Worlds – Julie Hutchings

I don’t rate beta reds normally, but it’s been published since I read it… so here’s the review!

5 Stars

Although this was the first book of Julie’s I’ve read; it will not be my last. I loved this story and finished the book quicker than I usually do. The pacing was perfect: fast-paced enough to hold interest and feel action-packed, yet not too fast that I was lost or felt rushed.
The characters, despite there being quite a few, were well-rounded and distinguishable from each other. Equally when I felt a plot twist come up, it had that delicious “I had no idea” mixed with “but of course that makes sense now” feeling!
The writing was very easy-going, with little flourishes of poetic description to really suck the reader into the book’s world.
I hope there is a sequel, although the threads were nicely tied up, because I’d just love to know what happens next, and spend some more time in the this fictional world.

(I also posted a full review and a character reveal post for this book!)


December :: Braving the Wilderness – Brené Brown

5 Stars

I don’t quite know where to start with this. I loved it.

I do feel that without some background in self-help/psychology it may be a little hard to follow, but for me it was just what I needed. I began reading it while processing a difficult life event and I found interest and solace in Brené’s findings. The actions were practical yet clearly easier said than done (like most things we struggle with!) and I found myself photographing whole pages on my phone because the need for reminders struck beyond just the odd quotation, but rather filled whole stories and reflections.

I needed this book, and I would recommend it to anyone struggling with the politics and divisions of the modern age, but it could be a heavy read if the concepts are new to you.

Still. it’s worth it.


What did you learn from reading this year?
Which titles would you recommend?

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