Level-Up! Essence of Green :: October 2018

“A white lace of frost webs the sidewalk; a kaleidoscope of leaves. Hillsides are ablaze with flame-colored trees, fields lie fallow and dark, and cornstalks dry to the color of bone in the low golden sun. The sky promises rain …

NaNoWriMo 2018 :: Final Tips for October

So, this week marks the beginning of our 50,000-words-in-30-days challenge. Are we ready? Who knows.  Here’s a quick checklist I’m going through this weekend… Food -> I have 3 packets of my motivational-food-of-choice: caramel digestive biscuits. I have dried fruit and …

Book Reviews :: 2018 :: Part III

2018’s reading aim is very much about getting back into the habit of reading, and picking books that will help me grow towards my personal goals. Part I is here. And Part II is here. And here are reviews for …

Level-Up! Essence of Green :: September 2018

“Mist blankets the morning garden and the empty fields; a last rose blooms slowly over the arbor by the backyard gate. Paintbox leaves fall to the ground under galoshes and the wheels of slicker-yellow school buses.  Sweaters come out of …

The Autumn Feels

The weekend began with a gentle whisper.   All was calm. That has been rare lately, I have to admit, but I took the space that was given. This week, I sat outside my husband’s work waiting for him to come …