“Faerie-folk gather in the woodland glades, and frolic beside moss-banked streams; the fires of summer burn green and gold, and everywhere there is high magick afoot!” – Michele Morgan It’s August. W00t. I realised I’d missed the first weekend …

“Faerie-folk gather in the woodland glades, and frolic beside moss-banked streams; the fires of summer burn green and gold, and everywhere there is high magick afoot!” – Michele Morgan It’s August. W00t. I realised I’d missed the first weekend …
It’s mid-July. I have officially written a total of 1,000 words this YEAR. And this weekend, I finally feel ready to step back into storycraft. The Decision I can’t really explain what has shifted, except that my desire to write …
“There is a wildness in the air, a spice that belongs to more than lilacs or the sweet woodruff blooming beneath the trees. Ferns glisten with morning dew, and somewhere, lovers conspire to meet at sundown.” – Michele Morgan It’s …
It’s the end of May, and this year, you may have noticed, my weekly post schedule has pretty much fallen to a monthly post, after 2 years of consistent, weekly content. Assessing the Signs My little project percentage bar on …
“Milk-white clouds pillow in an agate sky. Buds swell tightly against slender branches, and soft, mousy catkin beg to be patter by children on their way to school. Fresh rain breaks over the greening Earth, scattering the petals of cherry …
April is one of the months where a spin-off from National Novel Writing Month holds it’s virtual “camp.” Camp NaNo is a 30-day challenge where you set your own goal for ‘winning.’ In contrast to the original November challenge requires …