
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: May 2019

“There is a wildness in the air, a spice that belongs to more than lilacs or the sweet woodruff blooming beneath the trees. Ferns glisten with morning dew, and somewhere, lovers conspire to meet at sundown.”
– Michele Morgan


It’s June 1st, and I’m back to monthly posts for these essence posts. Thanks, it’s great to be back.

Things have settled right down, I’m feeling much more ‘myself’ and I even finished reading a book. I know, crazy right? 


Reflections on the Journey

i. Read 12 books: 1/12 – Huzzah! I finished reading The Chimp Paradox, which my counsellor asked me to read in May 2018. I’ll talk about it in my book review post, but it was worth taking a bit of time to digest. And I’m already 40% through Insurgent by Veronica Roth.

ii. Edit The Felled Gods: I wrote 281 words this month, and realised what one of my key blocks with the plot is. I’m not yet in a place to fix the issue, but identifying the issue is 50% of the process in writing.

iv. Level-up my Wellness Routines: This has been my main focus, and now we’re into June, I feel so much better. I’m focusing on mindfulness and mantras over reading and writing fiction; just to ensure I stay on this steady level again.

v. Connection Evolution: Although my social events were a little sparse this month, I connected with colleagues, had a bunch of new coaching calls which also lights my fire, and had dinner with both my parents and my in-laws.


Smoke and Ember

The cats are both well; play-fighting as only the spring-summer shift brings out in them. Ember brought me her catnip-hedgehog at 1am just this morning, slobbering in my ear. The neighbour’s cat is being friendly and looks well-kept which is always reassuring to see.

Smoke is no longer afraid of my Swing Chair, although Ember assumes it’s some kind of trap!

Jumping the Wall…

The Path Ahead…

  • In June we are finishing painting the living room, going on holiday for 4 days, and I’m putting the finishing touches on the Bring About Balance course ready for a July 1st open date!


June marks the sixth month… What are you planning?

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