An Update :: Why I’ve not been blogging

Back in December, I decided to cut down posts to one a week, because things were already pushing blog posts down, and it is the one thing I let slide in favour of eating/sleeping/work. However, January then hit with a …

Essence of Green :: February

  February was rough. Plans changed and shifted, people came in and out, and I wanted to hibernate throughout most of it.   Reflections on the Journey This month I just wanted to sleep. Between the new work processes, health things, family …

Twice Upon A Time: Anthology (Including My Short Story)

This weekend the anthology Twice Upon A Time launched, including my re-telling of the Welsh myth of Taliesin’s birth. Fairytales don’t always happen once upon a time. Fables don’t always have a happy ending. Sometimes the stories we love are …

Essence of Green :: January

January has passed. February returns with the promise of light. Yet the cold air still settles upon solid ground. This is a month of transitions, with promise of new goals and remnants of the old year falling into slumber.   Reflections …

Book Reviews 2014 :: Part 3

With December completed, and the year at an end, here’s the final book review for my 2014 challenge. If you missed the first 18 books of 2014, click here for Part I: 0-12 and Part II: 13-18. I only read …