
Essence of Green :: February



February was rough. Plans changed and shifted, people came in and out, and I wanted to hibernate throughout most of it.


Reflections on the Journey

This month I just wanted to sleep. Between the new work processes, health things, family things and handfasting things — well, I’m shattered. February did not bring news regarding last month’s dramas. Finger’s crossed for March.

i. Measuring my Words

This month I wrote 5,900 words, which still doesn’t match my 12.5k average of last year, but again, in light of how little I wanted to write, I’m happy with it. I completed a short story and submitted it, and returned my attention to Planes Shifter.

ii. Work Towards Submission by May 1st

Last May, during the celebration of Beltain, I pledged to my community that I would face the fear, and submit a novel to an agent within the year; by May 1st 2015.

In the last month I’ve returned to some of my finished drafts, reading through old work to decided which story should be my main focus for this goal.

iii. Read 24 Books 

2 / 4 completed. However, I’m 80% through one book, and I have a workbook for dayjob which I’ll finish in a week or two which should help me stay on top of this goal.

iv. Two Completed Stories (Four-Month Cycle)

Planes Shifter is currently going through edits. I don’t expect a new completed project until September.


Closing the Gate…

This Month:

* We made official plans for our hand-fasting. Huzzah!

* The anthology my short story is in was published!

* OH and I made orange cake together.

* O.H.s parents visited.

* I finalised plans for a friend to visit in March.

* I made some origami flowers.


The Opening Door…

Next Month:

* I’m seeing a friend.

* I’ll be updating some more of the pages around this site.

* I’ll find out if I’ve reached the next stage in my PhD application.

How was your month?

What wilderness are you wandering into next month?

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