
Essence of Green :: January

DSC_1991January has passed. February returns with the promise of light.

Yet the cold air still settles upon solid ground. This is a month of transitions, with promise of new goals and remnants of the old year falling into slumber.


Reflections on the Journey

This month was emotionally draining. My new work processes came into effect, some family stuff happened and some health stuff happened. The final week was especially exhausting, and I’m trying to let myself rest in between dayjob and writing. The health things and some of the family things are now a waiting game. I like to plan and make lists yet, right now, there’s no information to work with.

Hopefully February will bring news.

i. Measuring my Words

This month I wrote 2,682 words, which isn’t ideal, but in light of the month, I’m okay with it. I’m working on a short story submission and Planes Shifter.

ii. Work Towards Submission by May 1st

Last May, during the celebration of Beltain, I pledged to my community that I would face the fear, and submit a novel to an agent within the year; by May 1st 2015.

This month, I’ve been working on Planes Shifter again; gently testing the waters with re-wording and plotting in a way that tweaks very few aspects in order to bring it back in line with the vision I had of it.

iii. Read 24 Books 

1 / 2 completed. Considering the month, I’m content with this.

iv. Two Completed Stories (Four-Month Cycle)

Planes Shifter is currently going through edits. I don’t expect a completed project until May/September.


Closing the Gate…

This Month:

* I visited my mum for an afternoon and lost a game of scrabble.

* I cut posts down to one a week.

* O.H. turned a year older and I lost another game of scrabble.

* I made flapjacks for the first time this year.

* I attended training for day-job in Solution Focused Approach which was really good.

* O.H.s parents visited.

* Health issues took over a bit.

* O.H. had some time off, which meant I got to see him play through most of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix.

* We began re-watching House M.D. from season 1 again, and Musketeers from series 2 (I missed most of series 1 but O.H. talked me through the events).

* O.H. and I celebrated eight years together.

* We made two loaves of bread from scratch: one white, & one tomato and herb. They were both amazing.


The Opening Door…

Next Month:

* I’m hoping to catch-up with a friend when our schedules finally fit together (either Feb or March).

* I plan to update some of the pages around this site through February and March.

* My mum’s coming down to visit for a day next weekend.

* I’ll find out if I’ve reached the next stage in my PhD application.

How was your month?

What wilderness are you wandering into?

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