Writer Life & Lessons

World Fantasy Convention 2013 – The Schedule

wfcAs stated back in this post, I’ve been hoping to share with you my planned attendance of various events at World Fantasy Convention 2013. Since a draft of the programme came out on Tuesday, I raced through it for some vague ideas of what I want to prioritise.

Without further delay, here’s the schedule of things I’m hoping to attend:

I’ve colour-coded my plans:
Purple is a priority to attend
Green is a “probably will / one of these”
Blue is a “if I feel like it”

Thursday 31st October

15:00 – Writing Historical Fantasy

16:00 – Why We Collect Books [clashes]

16:30 – Reading by Garth Nix [clashes]

17:00 – Kaffeeklatsch


Friday 1st November

10:00 – Judging a Book by its Cover

11:00 – Creating Memorable Characters

12:00 – CLASH – Writing Style or Size Matters

14:00 – The End Is Now

15:00 – Sir Terry Pratchett: In Conversation

16:00 – CLASH – Broads with Swords or How Far Should YA Fiction Go?

17:00 – We’re All Bloggers Now

17:00 – Harper Voyager Party 20:00 – Mass Signing 22:00 – Tor UK 10th Anniversary Party


Saturday 2nd November

10:00 – Best of all Possible Worlds

11:00 – CLASH – Not So Secret Agents or Can YA Books Keep Them Reading?

12:00 – When the Faeries Come Out to Play

14:00 – Electronic Publishing

15:00 – CLASH – Fairytales or What Else Have You Got?

16:00 – CLASH– When Fantasy and Reality Merge or Meet the Amazon Team

17:00 – Elvish Has Left the Building

TBC – A meet-up with members from the SF&F Chronicles Forum


Sunday 3rd November

11:00 – CLASH – Fantasy for Children Reading or Author Names

12:00 – How To Write That Second Book


I’ll attempt to write a little about each session I attend, and I’d love your opinions on the topics.

Which topic/event sounds most interesting to you?

To those of you attending, perhaps I’ll see you there!

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