Last weekend, I attended my second convention. FantasyCon, which was held up in York, was the first convention that required me to plan travel, stay in a hotel, eat out and return books because I couldn’t get them all home. It was also …

FantasyCon 2014
FantasyCon 2014, held in York, UK was my second writing convention. Last year, at World Fantasy Con in Brighton, I stayed at home, commuting each day with home-made lunches and not worrying about the logistics of getting twenty books home, which this year, …
FantasyCon, York, 2014
Today marks the beginning of my FantasyCon14 experience. I spent last night compiling food, checking lists and panicking over getting to the train station. As of this morning, I have oats, crackers, homemade apple crisps + cucumber slices to take. I’m …

Recognising Knowledge
Although I’ve been blogging since 2006 (in one form or other), I often feel that I have very little to write about. Considering that I’ve been reading books and blogs about writing, attended panels at writing conferences, watched interviews/talks/lessons online, and writing novels since …

Book Reviews :: First 10 of 2014
I had intended to do this 3-monthly, but the months got away from me and I got behind in my reading (as usual) , so settled on a half-way update instead. So here are my reviews of the first 12 books (6-months-worth) …

What To Know for Your First Writing Convention
Last October, I attended the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton. As a con newbie, I tried to look up “what to know before hand” and “how cons work” so I might have a vague idea of what to expect. Of …