A few weeks ago, I shared information about Planes Shifter and Planes Walker, as I was tagged by C. R. Trumbo in a Blog Hop called The Next Big Thing. I’ve just begun revising my summer project of 2010, Seven Sisters and thought …
Editing: When to Stop
In January 2012, I began writing Planes Shifter. It took nine months to complete, and then a further two months to edit into a second draft. When I received the first two bits of feedback from my two beta readers, …

Knowing the Details
“It’s only a skeleton.” “He’s eating a biscuit.” “It’s just standing there. It’s not even making woo-woo noises!” At the weekend, I watched the Hogfather. It’s one of my go-to movies in terms of studying story-telling. The characterisation always makes …

Redrafting a Novel
The first draft of Planes Shifter was around 78,000 words, and comprised of a girl finding a bird of prey, and together, they find love and go home to claim the throne. The second draft of Planes Shifter had all …

Aspects of Editing
I found the original idea for the Planes Trilogy this week; written on the back of an envelope. While writing draft one, I kept a note of the anything I wasn’t yet sure of including; such as questions about the …
Forward Progress
On Monday night, I began the next round of edits on Planes Shifter. For the second draft, I chose two beta readers; one who is a writer herself, and one who likes to read. This way I have a readers …