See the updates on the first, second and third quarters for previous data. The Final Quarter in Statistics: Words Written: 30,900 Overall Words Written: 150,263 Pieces of WIP: …
FC14 Panel: Editing Dreams and Editor Nightmares
Final panel of the final day. After the Worldbuilding workshop, a panel about editing moved into the room. My Notes – The panel discussed the difference between a structural edit (do the characters and world building hold together?), a line …
Weekend WIP #9: Writing a Character in Order
This weekend I pushed myself to get some solid writing done. The year has been a challenge; my aim of 150,000 words of new words may not sound like much [it didn’t seem that bad to me – someone who has completed 50k in each …
Weekend WIP #6: Switching Projects
As I mentioned last week, I’ve put Planes Shifter on hold, and picked up Kindling instead. Kindling (KFTF for acronym purposes, since K is a bit short) was my NaNoWriMo project last November; mostly because I wanted to write an urban fantasy. When …

On Not Being Ready (to Fix my Broken Book)
I began writing Planes Shifter (originally named Wings of Skell) in January of 2012.
It's now August 2014, and as of today, I think I'm officially putting it in the drawer.
Weekend WIP #5: Plotting Meets Setting
Today’s my mum’s birthday (hi, mum) and so I’ve been at my parent’s house this weekend. We went to London yesterday to celebrate, with dad and O.H. Since O.H. was coming over to join us for the trip, he also brought me…. …