Books & Writers

Plans for Reading 2017 :: Months 7-12

Those of you who have followed my blog since last year know I’m completing a university qualification while I work. My final deadline is in two week’s time, although having to fit this all around work, I’m aiming to give it in a day or two early: just in case anything goes wrong!

However, this plus a sekrit project (news on that in a while), awaiting feedback on a short story submission, working on novel #3, and preparing for another pass at my submitted novel thanks to submission feedback… means I have only completed reading one book this year so far.

Therefore, I’m compiling a “continue-the-series” list because these books are generally 1) short or fast-paced 2) I’m already familiar with the world’s/characters and 3) I trust the books will be to my taste since I’ve read at least 1 in each series already.

So my aims for the next few months are to read the following (in no particular order):

  1. Mockingjay [#3]    (Suzanne Collins)
  2. The Cormorant  [#3]    (Chuck Wendig)
  3. Clariel [#4]    (Garth Nix)
  4. Goldenhand  [#5]  (Garth Nix)
  5. (if my heart can take it) Shadowstorm [#6]  (Dianne Sylvan)
  6. The Agency: Vol 5 [#5]   (Dianne Sylvan)
  7. The Spirit Rebellion [#2] (Rachel Aaron)
  8. (if I dare) The Hammer and the Goat [#1.5] (Peter Newman)

If I can read even 4 of these by October, I’ll be happy.

What’s on your to-be-read pile?

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