Welcome to my first week with the Weekend Writing Warriors. The idea is to sign up on their site and share 8 sentences of your writing, published or unpublished, to go live between midday Saturday and 9am Sunday. Then anyone can comment …
Writing Exercise: Characters
“I’d love to write a novel.” I’m hearing this phrase more and more in my life. Last week, my mother said it on the phone. And I snapped. The Conversation K. R. : “Yeah? Then write one.” M : “Oh, …
Editing: When to Stop
In January 2012, I began writing Planes Shifter. It took nine months to complete, and then a further two months to edit into a second draft. When I received the first two bits of feedback from my two beta readers, …
Returning to Old Works
In the next six months, there are eight competitions that I could submit some part of my novels to. However, each novel can only be submitted to one place at a time. For someone who only has two finished drafts …
Stereotypes: The Short Story
Whenever I’ve read advice or interviews from published authors, they’ve often begun writing short stories; which they have submitted to magazines. A part of my mind still thinks “that’s what you need to get into writing”. As publishing credits, this …
Every writer is different. Some people plan a story, then outline, before drafting it and then editing. They work on the same piece for months or years and then they have a wonderfully finished piece to begin showing to the …