Writing Process - Submitting

Stereotypes: The Short Story

  Whenever I’ve read advice or interviews from published authors, they’ve often begun writing short stories; which they have submitted to magazines. A part of my mind still thinks “that’s what you need to get into writing”. As publishing credits, this …

Writer Life & Lessons


Every writer is different. Some people plan a story, then outline, before drafting it and then editing. They work on the same piece for months or years and then they have a wonderfully finished piece to begin showing to the …

Writing Process - Preparing

Knowing the Details

“It’s only a skeleton.” “He’s eating a biscuit.” “It’s just standing there. It’s not even making woo-woo noises!” At the weekend, I watched the Hogfather. It’s one of my go-to movies in terms of studying story-telling. The characterisation always makes …

Writer Life & Lessons

The Plan for 2013

It’s May 2013. I began writing my first novel in November 2009. Including that first attempt, I’ve begun seven novels. But it wasn’t until October 2012 that I decided I liked one enough to try and make it work. My …