
Level-Up! Essence of Green :: January 2018

“Winter fights valiantly to hold the land. The earth and the sky are grey, leaden, and heavy with the cold. But here and there, scattered like jewels in the sodden grass, the first slender tips of daffodils start up toward the growing Sun. Something in us stirs as well, as life pulses unseen beneath the still-slumbering ground.”

– Michelle Morgan


January is over. *sigh* We’re already 1/12th through the year of 2018… which feels crazy to me.

I’m not yet 35, and it feels like life flashes past me at a horrific speed. I’m behind on my writing, but have made some progress on PLANNING my next story, so I’m feeling okay.

Reflections on the Journey

i. Read 12 books: 1/12 – I actually completed The Happiness Project sequel: Happier at Home, and I’m half way through Rise, Sister, Rise -> so for once I’m on track to hit this goal.

o. Submission progress: I received two novel rejections this month; one of which was more detailed than the standard form rejection, so I’m feeling quite pleased around this. I’m taking a year off from the hardcore “submit/submit/submit” experience, so this isn’t an official goal, although I will share any progress that I make.

ii. Track my wordcount and aim for 100,000 words: 00,211/100,000 words – I wrote the first prologue scene of a new story, then realised I had to do more plotting and will likely scrap it for the final draft.

iii. Wellness Weekly: I’ve spent two years experimenting with my wellbeing, and this year is about cementing the things I’ve found which work for me: meditation 3x a week, workouts 2x a week, and gratitude exercise 1x a week.


Smoke and Ember

Ember and Smoke are both fine: much more cuddly in the Winter. Ember in particular been very active: rolling over for belly rubs at amazing rates.

We’ll be taking them to the vet for their annual vaccinations and check-up in February, but they’re still gorgeous and happy.

Jumping the Wall…

  • I completed an interview for the Rebel Shine Summit: sign up free here.
  • I completed the game ‘Lost Winds’, 100%
  • We booked a few events for the rest of the year, including attending a comedy gig in February with a friend.
  • I attended a Time to Change Training day about mental health campaigning, which was amazing.
  • My in-laws visited us, where we played a fun trivia game. I did better than anyone expected, and came second.
  • I drove 140 miles in one day to visit an old friend, where I played Mariokart Wii for the first time.

The Path Ahead…

  • February marks our wedding anniversary, our anniversary of meeting the cats (Valentine’s Day), and the beginning of my next group programme.

How is 2018 growing for you so far?