It’s November…. and Winter is definitely on its way. In case you missed them, here are the bimonthly links for 2024 so far! Jan+Feb | Mar+Apr | May+Jun | Jul+Aug |
Before winter sets in, we are gathering the last of the harvest and preparing for quiet.
September was fun, and October more quiet.
September came along with many social events. I had friends visit me twice, visited a friend I only see once or twice a year and met her cat, and had family events both with my family and my partner’s family. Meeting the parents is an interesting experience in your mid-thirties for sure!
October had a quieter pace, my parents visiting for a day, a friend I lived with at University stayed with me for the weekend, and 3 friend visits across the month. I attended archery just 4 times across both months due to injuring myself, and as the colder months set in, I will need to figure out what my body can realistically manage. On the last day of October I travelled up to see my partner for a weekend away.
Reflections on the Journey:
i. Read 6 books (& Take Notes): – I’ve dropped the reading habit again, so this is something I want to focus on for the last 2 months of the year.
ii. Continue Weekly Therapy: – Tick. I’m still in weekly counselling, and I’m doing more for my wellbeing at the moment such as using my SAD lamp and journaling.
iii. Return to Daily Journaling : – Tick. It’s an up and down habit, but I’ve been using it where needed.
iv. Track Fiction Wordcount: – Tick. I wrote 4 words of fiction and it felt like a breakthrough, and then I wrote nothing more. So we’ll see how November-December go.
v. Weekly Integration: – Half-Tick – It’s still been an on-and-off habit.
vi. Build on my Healthy Habits: – This has dropped in some regard, but I’m keeping to my minimums of meal-times.
vii. Movement 3x a Week: – Half-Tick. I exercised 12/30 days in September and 8/31 days in October. It’s colder outside and I’ve been struggling with my Fibromyalgia as the weather turned colder.
viii. Create a Cleaning Routine: – This hasn’t been great, but it’s not fallen entirely apart. Having pets definitely motivates me to clean more often than if it were just me dealing with my own stuff.
ix. Socialise Monthly With Friends: – Tick! I went to archery 3 times (this includes taking time off due to the injury), making a new group of friends there, saw my partner 3 times, caught up with an old friend and met her cat, saw my parents and grandma, and had an old housemate from University stay over.
x. About Reinvention and Creativity: – I’m picking this back up again – I wrote 4 newsletters and updated my Patreon.
xi. Access Nature: – The cold weather isn’t helpful with this, but I did have a friend visit and she and I spent a few hours sitting in a nature reserve catching up. <3
xii. Build on Skills: – I’m over 485 days of continued Duolingo learning, continued dabbling a bit in of CSS and HTML, and I’ve been sharing a bit more on my newsletter about my reinvention process, as well as releasing a new workbook and working on a revamp of one of my old courses…