
Essence of Green :: April 2024

It’s May – which means it’s time to review March and April (ICYMI: Jan+Feb).

We’ve got this.

May is a clear Spring-Summer type of month for me, and I have been so ready for it. I expected things to be a little wobbly, but they were pretty stable until the end of the month – hence the delay in this summary. But for now, let’s review March and April. See the little picture of my bunnies and their ‘Easter’ basket, because why not.


Reflections on the Journey:


i. Read 6 books (& Take Notes): – Tick. I didn’t finish any books in March or April, but I’m still on track at 3 books read in the first 5 months. 
ii. Continue Weekly Therapy:Tick. I changed some more medication and had multiple medical reviews for that, and also continued my weekly counselling. And as of April 30th, I had my first “horse therapy” session, which will continue through May. Yeah – more on that next update…
iii. Return to Daily Journaling :Half-tick. March was pretty okay, April this dropped, and I saw the impact, so for May I’m pulling it back. 


iv. Track Fiction Wordcount: – Tick – I wrote some fiction in March. *sun shines through cloud* 137 words written in March, and 189 in April of fiction stories. Plus a couple of poems, so I’m counting it.
v. Weekly Integration: – Dropped off the habit on this one, but I did work on a Gwers lesson and got into the habit of saving things.


vi. Build on my Healthy Habits: – Tick. I can’t remember the last time I used my hob or oven, but I’ve found a good routine with my microwave meals, vitamins and medication. Archery looks accessible even with Fibromyalgia, and I feel ready to try returning to work.
vii. Movement 3x a Week: – Half-Tick. I exercised 9/31 days in January and 12/30 days in April. Archery begins in May – so that’s 4 days already planned.
viii. Create a Cleaning Routine: – I definitely dropped this in March and April. Had a few good days but mostly ignored the state of my flat, and friends came over to help me clean.


ix. Socialise Monthly With Friends: – Tick! In March I saw a friend and her puppy, then went to her wedding, and also attended my Druid groups celebration for the Spring Equinox. For April, I had lunch with my friend and her other friend I’d known online but not in person, drove to the Cotswolds to meet an online friend, had two writer friends over to meet the bunnies, met up with a family friend after 8 years, took my carless friend to IKEA, and attended the Druid ceremony for Beltain. I am rocking this “connecting with my friends after years as a recluse.”
x. About Reinvention and Creativity: – I’ve sent one newsletter in March, quietly opened my Patreon, and posted one Medium post on the importance of reflecting on what’s working.
xi. Access Nature: – I’ve been getting better at this – the Druid ceremonies are outside, my Equine sessions are outside (first one was in April), took my friend’s puppy on a walk, and the Cotswolds trip was mostly outside. Bit by bit, I’m building up the tolerance again.  


xii. Build on Skills: – I completed 2 OBOD lessons, I’m still on my Duolingo streak around 325 days in a row now. I have played a part in the two Druid ceremonies – a speaking part and blessing the circle with fire. I can feel *me* creeping back out into the open. Bring on the Summer.   


How were your March and April? What are your plans for the next 2 months?

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