
Essence of Green :: February 2022

How is it already March 2022?

February was the month I began to rebuild my routines and started writing again. I also began moderating the chat of 2 twitch channels since Jan 30th, and this has expanded my community and support network, as well as given me something new to learn all the controls of (muhahaha, the power!) 

My car passed it’s MOT, I’ve been going into the office more, and I have a workload of patients more than admin which is a change of pace at my dayjob. I have some time-off in March [to use before the end of the financial year] and had a long weekend in February – which would have been spent in the garden had there not been 3 storms in one week!


Reflections on the Journey

i. Read 12 books: I’m still working my way through the same books as last month – reading took a backseat in February.

ii. Be A Writer Again: I wrote words on The Felled Gods, some journalling, a poem, and some articles for Medium. My latest 2 articles were a kind of emotional ‘Rawr’ piece about Being a Good Girl and an essay on how Humans Feel Multiple Emotions at Once (and how to step out of your comfort zone.)

iii. Track my wordcount: I wrote 1,658 words of my current WIP (TFG), and 6,690 words counting all of my fiction and nonfiction writing together.

iv. Focus on Health: I did have a few days of healthier eating before things got overly emotional, and I’m making an effort to walk and stretch more. I also did a few jobs around the house (bleeding radiators) towards helping my environment support me in my goals.

v. Connect with my Community: I managed to post 2 Medium posts, have a draft of my newsletter written for March, and spent multiple hours connecting with other wonderful creative humans on Twitch.


How is this first quarter working out for you?

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